Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Jessica Lall case - separate investigation and prosecution from government

Justice Khare makes a plea for separating the prosecution and investigation agencies from the control of the state government, in light of the mass acquittals in the Jessica Lall case. Fali Nariman, on the other hand, argues for criminalizing hostile witnesses under perjury laws.


Anonymous said...

I feel that Jasica lal's case is such a great miscarriage of injustice and one can well imagine that justice is cry for the moon for those people who comes lower rung of society.

Anonymous said...

Apart from the investigating officials gthe media needs to investigate as to how all major players like the witnesses, officials and others have faired well financially.Also somebody should publish a day to day summary as to why it took seven years to investigate a murder done at point blank range

Srikant said...

Its high time we did something to correct the flaws in the legal system.Join in the fight to get a retrial

Anonymous said...

It may be a mis carraige of Justice.It is down right corruption of the highest order in judiciary, police and the politicians and even lowly witnesses who sold their souls for Money,money and money